Apr 17

‘Baptized for the Dead’ in 1Corinthians 15:29

Sunday preaching in 1Corinthians

Occasionally, in study for my preaching, I gain an insight that I think is valuable enough to share with you here. Although this is a long article on a technical and complex topic, I hope that you will find it helpful. If you wish to print it, there is a […]

Apr 17

April Prayer Letter

Our most recent travels to Japan and Bangladesh are reported in our April prayer letter. You may view it online, download it for printing, or share the link with others. Thank you for your prayers and financial support for our family and ministry.

Baptism, Bangladesh

Church Anniversary

On Sunday, April 15, 2018 Cornerstone […]

Jun 24

Moving Down in Life

Matt was recently appointed to a new role in Baptist Mid-Missions as the Asia-Pacific Field Administrator. However, this ministry will be based out of Taiwan, rather than returning to work from the Home Office in Cleveland, OH. His region of oversight extends geographically from Russia to the southern tip of New Zealand; it includes India, […]

Sep 25

Culture Shock and Missionary Failure

The following article was actually written more than seven years ago, when this topic was a burning issue in my own heart and mind. However, it remained unpublished till now. Since we presently have two new missionary families with us at Cornerstone Baptist Church, Kaohsiung, I feel that the time has come to dust off […]

Jun 30

Beth’s Mission Report

Beth has just returned to us in Taiwan after spending 6 weeks with Mary and Hubert Broeckert in Cambodia, learning the ropes of medical missions. Here is her Cambodia Update letter, which she sent out before her return to Taiwan. THANK YOU to each church and individual who helped support her ministry with your gifts […]

Nov 11

Jesus in Beijing Book Review

I haven’t posted much recently. One reason is that I have been busy taking a seminary course on Church History, which I have now completed. I am making one of my course papers available below, since it may be of interest to some of our readers who are China watchers.

I have written a book […]

Apr 5

Hanna Ministry Featured

Our family and ministry are featured in the spring issue of BMM’s quarterly publication, Advance!, in an article titled “Passion for God.” You can read this publication and article online here (see page 4 to find us).


Dec 12

The 12 Days of a Missionary Family’s Christmas

What does Christmas look like for missionaries in Taiwan? Although Christmas is a busy time of year for churches everywhere, it is especially so for us in Taiwan. Here Christmas provides us with unique opportunities to evangelize our community and offers local Christians a chance to celebrate Christ’s birth in the midst of a culture […]

Jun 5

Taiwanese in America

I found an intriguing book review on the Global China Center website about Taiwanese immigrants in America. I hope to order the book, but the article alone is very helpful in identifying and explaining a phenomenon which missionaries here in Taiwan have long recognized: Taiwanese are much easier to reach with the gospel when outside […]

Jun 15

. . . in a Land of Many Gods

Taiwan: Preaching the True God in a Land of Many Gods

We’re glad to announce, at last, that our Taiwan field presentation DVD which was filmed and produced by the Baptist Mid-Missions’ film department in 2007 has now been posted as video on our website. This video was prepared in order to inform churches, […]

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