About Kaohsiung

Quick Facts About Our City

  • Population: 1.5 million in the city limits; 2.5 million in the greater metropolitan area.
  • Importance: Kaohsiung is the industrial, cultural, and educational center of southern Taiwan.

The Kaohsiung City skyline, as viewed from the harbor, is dominated by the 85-floor Tuntex Sky Tower (center). Kaohsiung Harbor is the third largest container port in the world.

The Kaohsiung City skyline, as viewed from the harbor, is dominated by the 85-floor Tuntex Sky Tower (center). Kaohsiung Harbor is the third largest container port in the world. (click image to enlarge)

From the observation deck of the 85 floor Tuntex Sky Tower looking north one can see BanPing Mountain in the distance (top left). DzwoYing District, where Cornerstone Baptist Church is located, is just this side of BanPing Mountain. Only part of Kaohsiung is visible in this view. (click to enlarge)

From the observation deck of the 85 floor Tuntex Sky Tower looking north one can see BanPing Mountain in the distance (top left). DzwoYing District, where Cornerstone Baptist Church is located, is just this side of BanPing Mountain. Only part of Kaohsiung is visible in this view. (click image to enlarge)

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