The Promise

Out-driven from the presence of the Light
Into the lonely darkness of the night
They fled with self-reproach and shameful fears,
God’s word of judgment ringing in their ears.

But mingled with the toil and new-found care
Within their hearts sprang up this hope, aware
That with the awful curse had God, in grace,
Declared His promise to the fallen race.

Red-stained the ground they saw beneath their feet;
Their coats of skin with gospel were replete:
“When it shall bite the heel with venom dread,
The woman’s Seed shall crush the serpent’s head.”

This hope, through distant years and sorrows old,
More bright became as each new prophet told
The promise of Messiah, Israel’s King,
And glories yet to come, and suffering!

Until sweet angel choirs announced His birth,
And humble shepherds welcomed Him to earth;
Full brightly shone His beacon in the sky,
Declaring that the promised time drew nigh.

Then hope transfixed, uplifted, crucified,
Seemed dead when Christ the promised Savior died;
But on the tree He crushed the serpent’s head
And with victorious pow’r slew death instead!

And still, through distant years and sorrows old,
Our hope undimmed reflects celestial gold;
For present sorrows fade when we compare
The glories that await us over there!

Though deeply spreads the gloom of darkest night,
The Word of Truth yet gleams with glories bright;
The Daystar in our hearts ascends on high,
Declaring that the promised time draws nigh.

“Behold, the bridegroom cometh!” Hear the cry;
Then, caught up, we shall meet Him in the sky,
When purified in hope, transformed by sight,
Like Him, we’ll walk in God’s eternal light.

by Matthew Hanna

Copyright © 2006 by the author


May be copied for church or personal use. All other rights reserved.

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