Mar 4

News and Prayer Requests

I will be leaving from San Francisco to return to Taiwan this evening. Thank you for your prayers for our family, and especially for my mom during this major transition in her life after my dad’s passing. Marla is still in Michigan. She was originally scheduled to return to Taiwan at the same time as I did, but we have made the decision to extend her stay in the U.S. for another 6 weeks. She is needed to help her sisters provide 24-hour care for her mom, who is now on hospice.

Please keep our family in prayer during this complicated period. Pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual strength for Marla as she cares for her mom and helps her siblings deal with her mom’s end of life issues. Pray for my ongoing ministry in Taiwan at Cornerstone Baptist Church. Pray for our children in their studies and life at BJU.

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